Saturday, August 23, 2008

Like A Poll, Only Better

So fellow bloggers last night or the night before last, I won't say which night, some friends of ours came over to play Say Anything, a really fun game and one of the categories was "What's the best U2 song?" I was surprised by how many people didn't even know a name of a U2 song yet alone have a favorite.

So here is what I am going to do and here is what I want all my fellow blog buddies to do. I am going to post a You Tube vid of my favorite U2 song and then you are going to be so moved as to share with me your favorite U2 song so you are going to post your favorite U2 song and then come and link it to me in my comment box so that I and all the other U2 fans can come check it out.

So here's mine:

Your turn...


Anonymous said...

Seriously, they didn't know ANY? How embarrasing!

I don't think I can pick just one, I will try to keep it to two or three.

Anonymous said...

We both actually agree on our favorite and second favorite, so since there are two of us we figured we'd list them both:



Anonymous said...

I forgot to say that we posted them on the blog, so you'll have to go there and look.

Chris and Erin's #2 made me think of Geek Love.

Anonymous said...

All right, here you go:

And by the way, picking one favorite U2 song is like choosing your favorite kid or something. No one should have to do that.


Anonymous said...

It was a hard assignment, so many great choices to choose from at least in decades past, U2 has been letting me down as of late and I just wanted to be reminded of all the great stuff they are capable of.

Anonymous said...

U2? Isn't that mtv's alternate channel? I thought it wasn't on the air anymore....

Anonymous said...

Please, Please, PLEASE tell me you are joking Falcon 81, please!