Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Four More Months!

So I broke down, I am watching....


I just couldn't miss the DNC. I missed last night's speeches but Obama sent me a copy of Michelle's speech and I decided that I couldn't miss anymore coverage. And I am so glad that I tuned in, Mark Warner gave a great speech. I really am enjoying the concept that this year Virginia is a "toss up" state, usually I just follow the elections knowing which way my state is going to swing but this year I feel like there is a difference and I just feel like being involved is even more important.

Oh, here's Chelsea, gotta go.



Anonymous said...

Does this mean you will be watching the new season of America's Next Top Model too?

Anonymous said...

No, probably not. I will probably watch CLinton and Biden tonight and Barack tomorrow and tune in a little for the Republican Convention and then I will be back to my former non-television watching self. I can watch some of it on You Tube and CNN.com but I hate being the last one to know everything so I had to watch the real deal live and I think it was definitely worth it. Of course it was 10p.m. so the kids were long asleep by then.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your new picture. Have you taken more?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, on Sunday we did a 'Family' portrait event in my new 'studio' and it went really well, mostly. I am working on some stuff and am realizing more and more that I really love black and white portraits.