Thursday, April 10, 2008

Why I Suck Currently

So we are going out of town this weekend to celebrate my grandmother’s 90th birhtday and I have yet to get her a gift and I totally forgot to send my nephew a gift for his birthday that was last Saturday. So I was going to go out this morning and do some birthday shopping.

I started getting ready to leave at 9:30 a.m.

It is now 12:30 and we’ve yet to leave the house.

Soon I will probably decide to just go when Ward gets home. How lazy, I know. But it really is difficult shopping with twins. And I have no idea what to get a 90 year old woman who can’t see or a 13 year old teenage boy.

I am thinking a shirt that says “My Aunt and Uncle Whom Love Me Very Much Forgot About My Birthday and Then All I Got Was This Lousy Shirt” on a bright pink shirt for my nephew.

He’ll probably love it, don’t you think?

What teenage boy in middle school wouldn’t?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky for you the 13 year old in question is very easy going and is not concerned at all about how much birthday loot he receives.

As for what to get him. Good Luck.
He has officially reached the age of impossibility. That place between little boy and teenager.

What will you get your grandmother? That's hard. Actually, concidering the weekend that lies ahead of her, maybe a bottle of Jack Daniels is in order.-And that's just to take the edge off of my mother.(you might need one too)