Who wouldn't be with a list like this to accomplish today:
- Clean bathrooms, my favorite, especially the toilets and the wall around them, am I right?
- Reseal grout- a good idea, note previous bullet
- Laundry- you can't cross this off your list ever, like the song that never ends, just as annoying and never ending
- Mop- not so bad just time consuming
- Make the bed -this is a fluffer to make myself feel better if I don't get everything else done
- Clean appliances and coutertops- so that Grandpa Tony will have a clean slate to work with on Sunday
- De-clutter- and spend this time wondering why I buy anything, ever
- Organize the nursery and office- and realize I need to buy more stuff with which to organize more efficiently
- Change 35 diapers - not going to happen but a friend of mine told the ladies at Bunko this is how many diapers I change a day, unfortunately I am not a master at schedules and my children don't get their diaper changed every 1.5 hours
- Make a list for target- this could be the highlight of this list for me
- Vacuum - and hence listen to wailing babies
- Do all this and spend as much time with my children- Good luck to me
You're supposed to change diapers every 1.5 hours. I thought it was once in the morning and once at night. Kinda like brushing your teeth.
Or after every meal?
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