Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This and a cherry coke would just about do it for me.

Someone around here has decided to revive the ole Cinemaphiles website and it wasn't me. Not that I enjoy films any less these days, and somehow we still manage to find time to watch movies, it's just that I don't know that I am cut out to be a film critic. I felt like I didn't have anything new to say and I was never pleased with my short little blurbs about movies. I have decided that when I have something to say about a movie, either good or bad I will submit a review, otherwise I am just going to go about my film viewing as I have been for the past six months.

One thing I always enjoyed with the site was checking out new movies and posting trailers to films we were looking forward to. The other day as I was editing this feature on the site I somehow found my way to You Tube where I spent the next ninety minutes searching through trailers. There aren't that many new movies that I am looking forward to this summer but there were a couple that caught my attention.

This one for instance, has me wishing I had a babysitter despite our lack of a decent theatre here in town.

And this one, well I can't decide but any trailer that opens with The Smiths, well it may just get a spot on my Netflix Queue later this year.

If nothing else both films seem to have impressive soundtracks.

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