I take a shower not so much to get clean and shampoo my hair but to be alone for five minutes and not feel guily about it. Of course, yesterday Trauma started to cry while I was showering and it became a two minute shower.
I used to have a ten time a week habit at Target, now I get to go on Saturday morning while Ward stays home with Trauma and Trouble. I used to think that I would be the kind of mother who would never leave her children, not until they were pulled away from me and put on the bus to go to Kindergarten. I realize now that no one should be like that, I'm not saying that I want to get away from my children. I just want to go outside. So that I don't end up like this:

I miss the belly. I know that goes againt Post #1, but it's true. Not all the time but occasionally I feel this way. I miss how easy it was to take care of them in utero, now I worry about every cough and wonder why Trouble still spits up through her nose. I miss them wiggling and pushing. I miss the way Ward treated me, like I was carrying precious cargo (and in our opinions I was).
I keep telling myself that it will get easier, but I don't really believe this and I don't think that I should. It probably won't 'get easier', I will just get better (hopefully) at my new position. How can dealing with a toddler going through the terrible twos or a defiant teenager going to be any easier than a six pound infant that sleeps (although in cat naps) for fifteen hours a day?