Friday, July 17, 2009

I MUST be nesting

I never had the nesting instinct with Bailey and Cooper. I was perfectly content to be as lazy as possible for 39 weeks. I actually let so many things fall into demise that it was pretty shameful. This morning I have been cleaning (for three hours now) a room that hasn't been cleaned in 2.5 years or before I became pregnant with the twins. No, it isn't the bathroom, that's just gross. It's the office actually. Maybe I will actually get some work done in there now. I guess this is what they mean by nesting?


Cheryle said...

Yes, you're nesting. If you start cleaning closets, you're in Deep Trouble!

James said...

Wish Julie was nesting...

The Running Couple said...

Does nesting have to include so much delegation of duty? And whats with all the bitching and moaning?

Cheryle said...

todd: bitching and moaning is essential to nesting. And smart men never mention it again.
